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Todd Gureckis

I run the lab or the lab runs me. Check my personal website below for more info.

[personal website]

Angela Radulescu
CDS Fellow

Angela is Moore-Sloan Faculty Fellow at the New York University Center for Data Science (CDS) with affiliation with the lab. She studies how people learn useful representations of their environment, and how individual differences in these representations can lead to variation in mental health.

[personal website] [cv]

Zhiwei Li
Grad student

Zhiwei is a 5th-year in neuroscience who is interested in almost every aspect of the world that humans try to conceptualize and understand. In her work she asks: what makes people curious? How do people learn and update their knowledge and how can machine do a similar job? Currently she's building models of surprise and suspense that people experience while watching competitive sports games.

Pam Osborn Popp
Grad student

Pam is a fifth year graduate student in the Center for Neural Science studying human learning. Her interests are in combining behavior, neural imaging, and computational modeling to characterize and potentially improve learning strategies.

Ethan Ludwin-Peery
Grad student

Ethan is a fifth year graduate student in psychology interesting in intuitive physics (also a Phd in social psychology with Yaacov Trope).

Guy Davidson
Grad student (CDS)

Guy is a second year PhD student in the Center for Data Science working on creative cognition, goal and task representations, and the interaction between RL and language.

Aysja Johnson
Grad student

Aysja is a second year graduate student in psychology interesting in human sense-making, open ended reasoning, and the human-machine intelligence.

Patrick Little
Grad student

Pat is a first year graduate student in psychology interested in cognition, perception, and intuitive physics.

Research Assistants

Lab Alumni

Shannon Tubridy - Postdoc, cog neuro of memory (2014-2020), now MA Program Instructor at NYU
David Halpern - Grad student, predicting memory behavior from fMRI (2014-2020), now post-doc at UPenn with Mike Kahana
Ili Ma - Post-doc, social decision making (2018-2020), now Assistant Professor at Leiden University
Anselm Rothe - Grad student, question asking in humans and machines (2014-2019), now Post-doc at the Max Plank Institute in Berlin
Neil Bramley - Post-doc, learning about physics by acting researcher (2017-2018), now Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology at University of Edinburgh
Alex Rich - Grad student, learning traps researcher (Fall 13-Summer 18), now data scientist at Flatiron Health
Camille Gasser - Undergrad honors student, now Cognitive Neuroscientist studying memory at Columbia University
Anna Coenen - Grad Student, active causal learning researcher (Fall 12 - Fall 17), now at New York Times, engineering division
Brenden Lake - Center for Data Science Fellow/lab affiliate, now NYU Assistant Professor Psychology and Data Science
George Kachergis - Post-doc, developmental computational cognitive scientist (Spring 15-Summer 16), now research scientist, Stanford University
Doug Markant - Grad Student, active learning researcher (Fall 08 - Fall14), now Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of North Carolina, Charlotte
John V. McDonnell - Grad Student, crowd-sourcing categorization researcher (Fall 08 - Summer 13), data scientist at StitchFix
Mordechai Juni - Grad Student, psychophysics-decision making researcher (Fall 08 - Summer 12), now post-doc at UC Santa Barbara
Jay Martin - Grad student, machine learning, crowdsourcing, web programming, psiturk building extraordinare, (Fall 09 - Fall14), data scientist at Facebook
Nathaniel Blanco - Lab Manager/RA (Fall 09 - Summer 12), post-doc at Ohio State Univeristy
Patricia Chan - Research Assistant/Lab Manager, (Summer 12 - Fall 14)
Carol Jew - Research Assistant, (Summer 11 - Spring 12), now grad student at University of Rochester
Devin Domingo - Honors research student (Fall 11 - Spring 12), now Service Desk Manager at Intersection Co.
Jerad Fields - Grad Student, Bayesian modeler (Summer 09-Fall 10), now data scientist at Evie Labs
Rebecca Bainbridge - Research Assistant (Spring 09, Fall09), honors research student, undergrad researcher at NYU, now senior software engineer at Etsy
Sabina Tomkins - Research Assistant 2012-2013, now post-doc at Harvard University
Megan Patterson - Research Assistant (2010-2011)
Ben Goldberg - Research Assistant (Fall10)
Lisa Zaval - Lab Manager (08-Summer 09), now postdoc at UMass
Louis Tur - Lab Programmer (08-09), Apple, Inc., etc.. now Freelance iOS Developer
Andrew Cohen - Research Assistant (Summer-Fall09)
Jared Johnson - Research Assistant (Fall09)
Lani Lei - Research Assistant (Fall09)


At this point too many to count, check the papers!

Our work is supported by grants from

Copyright 2008-2013 - Todd Gureckis - New York University